A review by ghazalshaykh
The Gathering Dark, by Christine Johnson



Instant love.

Urgh, seriously? Electric connection? That seems like a love at first sight illusion. Not an illusion but a cliché (for me, at least). The connection felt forced, simple is that. Their first meeting was followed by ten chapters of their dates together. YEAH 10 chapters!! Their very dating stuff bored me utterly and I was almost going to give up when a voice in my head desired to know the end and what world this book might reveal. So I kept forcing myself until some action crept in with Kiera and a darkside tree and the whole introduction to the Darkside started and became interesting along the way.

Walker. Why boys are so perfect in books?

Or is it me imagining them so perfect? Like there was no countable flaw in him, so perfect - such a marty stu! Yeah, he was tempting but not as much realistic.

And the saying good-bye idea was totally a crap, it was obviously forced like... no, she had to say good bye and say those stuff, there could've been another, better way towards the trigger button (home and piano)

Despite it all, I liked MCs' love chemistry growing along the way, suffering through difficulties together. Those were better than mere dates they had before, and I also admire Keira's character for her stubbornness, determination and passion for Music in a beautiful way, which made her strong and at the same time had admirable feelings for Walker which made them seem like partners in crime through the end, the way walker admired her those elements was mesmerizing.

Overall, the book was slow paced esp when it dragged with their dates in the start. So, I'd rate it 3/5, specifically for Keira and the struggling chapters in the end, despite the happy ending though.