A review by valoria
Goddess Boot Camp by Tera Lynn Childs


I took a while to get around to writing a review to this book but here I am now!
When I read [b:Oh. My. Gods.|2342943|Oh. My. Gods. (Oh. My. Gods, #1)|Tera Lynn Childs|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1207441245s/2342943.jpg|2349651] I was happy but not jumping up and down with joy. I thoroughly enjoyed that book too but this 1 was far better. Surprising, since this is the sequel.
Phoebe is without a doubt one of my favourite heroines ever. She made up for missing out on a great sale[since I gave up shopping for her]. This book had an added suspense angle because she has a blackmailer. And believe it or not, this Sherlock and Agatha Christie fanatic did not guess who it was. When she finally confronts the person and finds out who it is:

I liked Griffin in this book better too. He was so much more real and the whole relationship made a lot more sense. There were parts in the 1st books with him where I was like : You trying to kill me or something???!!!
This book:

There are even Pythian Games which are sort of the demigod equivalent of Olympic Games. Quick question though: How exactly were there other participants at the tryouts when other demigod schools haven't been mentioned? This was the only flaw in the logic I found. Which is really good because usually I tear books apart if stuff doesn't match up.

Also Pheobe being an extremely powerful demigod has to prove to the gods that she's capable of handling them since her control is... So STELLA[Yes that Stella], her not so nice step sister helps her. Like REALLY helps her. And the test by the gods can come any time which is why Phoebe attend Goddess Boot Camp with 10-12 year olds.[Embarassing much?]

And the minor characters are so amazing!!! They all have actual characteristics!!! Not just cardboard cutouts which have no real function and leave me thinking:

And the end of the tryouts[which are the main plotline of the book] and a very interesting thing occured and I was all upset only to become
when it was explained and BTW, did you'll see what I did there???

But you know what? At the end I was still

You wanna know why? Huh? Huh??? Because our trusty friend Goodreads informed me that there only 2 books in this series...
Please Ms. Childs, please please please write another book. You can even tell us what Nicole's heritage is!!! I formally request and so does Dean Winchester.