A review by kerasalwaysreading
What Waits in the Woods by Terri Parlato


Esme left home years ago to pursue her professional ballet career, cutting off all contact with her close knit friend group. When she returns home after her career unfortunately ends, she arrives home hours after one of her childhood best friends is killed in her own yard.

Detective Meyers is on the case, following the clues, bust also focusing a strong attention to the once so close friend group. Kara and Esme strongly resembled one another. Could this have been a case of mistaken identity? Or was this a calculated act to end Kara’s life?

Secrets are uncovered and the pool of suspects is growing rapidly. We get the interesting aspect of the case of Kara’s murder, but also a more in depth look at the friendships between the characters, the strained relationships between friends and family members, and the discovery of long since buried truths about Esme’s own mother.

I really enjoyed this book. I found the characters all so fascinating, both good and bad. I called the culprit from early on, though the ultimate reveal was still satisfying!