A review by _booksanddogs_
Anomaly by K.A. Tucker


Anomaly is the final book in the casual enchantment series and I cannot explain how much I have absolutely adored it. I’m slightly bias because Kathleen Tucker is my favourite author of all time but I must admit even though that’s true I was slightly hesitant about picking any of these books up. Im not extremely into fantasy and find that if there’s too many made up creatures it starts to get to me and I just give up but this series has changed my view on fantasy all together. I loved reading about vampires and witches and curses and fate. I loved learning about them from another authors point of view and it was so interesting to see what parts of the myths she used to create these creatures.

The best thing about each book, especially anomaly was that even with 50 pages to go you HD absolutely no idea how it was going to end and that’s what made me instantly pick up the next book because I had to know how the series ended and I must say it did not disappoint.

Sofie was by far the character I was rooting for throughout the series (and not even because we share the same name - though this is amazing never the less). She was holding so much of the world together and many times wanted to give in and let it all go but she never did and that’s something I loved about her, and of course her constant sarcasm, as well as her friendship with Mage who was also a strong heroin.

I loved this series the most because the main characters were strong women who could fight for what they believed and each other. As naive and Evangeline was she never gave up on what or who was important to her.

Anomaly was fast paced and constantly had action coming from all directions. There was so much raw emotion and I was completely sucked in right to the very end. I loved it and I can’t wait to read it over and over again