A review by rihoward
The Girl in Between by Miranda Silver


My iPad just melted with this book.

I didn't think that anything could be hotter than the first book. I was wrong. SO. VERY. WRONG. I am quite sure that my iPad was smoking. So often a book with a with a storyline such as this comes off as cheesy or is just a quick read without substance behind it. That is most assuredly not the case with either of these books. This author crafts her characters with such precision that you can see everything they see as if it was your very own eyes. and feel their emotions, can read their thoughts, even hear their voices.

You have to read the first book. Otherwise, you will miss the dynamic that is Diana, Ian, and Brendan. This author can write some steam. Sweet Holy Titfire, can she ever. I kept looking around me to make sure others couldn't see what I was reading. After a while, I just didn't care. My fanning myself and blushing probably gave me away anyway... (And yes, this author made me blush!!!) Just prepare yourself for a wild and crazy ride. Oh, and be prepared to need a cold shower.

I'm needing to see Brendan and his story. Please let it include a certain roommate that hates him. Pretty pretty, please? It's mentioned that it will be short. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's more than that. Especially since this book was supposed to only be a novella and it turned into two glorious books.