A review by scarlet_frost
World's Scariest Places: Volume Two: Helltown & Island of the Dolls by Jeremy Bates


Engaging horror stories, but technically unpolished

There were two stories in this combo book.

The first one falls prey to the typical horror tropes.
The second one was more intelligent and I felt more engaged with the characters.

I did however have a few issues with the unpolished nature of both books, several inconsistencies in time line, mistakes in character name in the second story, superfluous vocabulary and a few grammar errors.
It just could have used someone going over it with a fine toothed comb before publication.

Despite my anal retentiveness regarding the technical writing issues, these stories were engaging, I really liked that the author put effort into the backstories for a lot of these characters. It made me care more about what was going to happen to them. It was scary and very gory (not for the faint of heart).

I think the title of this book series doesn’t really fit. I was expecting to read about several scary places and the history etc. But this is more horror fiction, set in real life scary places. So just be aware of that when you start these books. Either way overall I’m not disappointed I read this, and it was entertaining enough, so I’ve given it 3 stars.