A review by echoingpages
City of Nightmares by Rebecca Schaeffer


thank you to netgalley, the publisher and the author for this arc!

3 stars.

this book wasn't bad. it just wasn't for me. i feel like i would have enjoyed this much more when i was younger, because what irked me the most was the way it felt a little childish to me. that, and the repetitiveness of some elements in this book. like, yes, i get it. newham bad, newham evil. i am a coward. oh no my tiny little safe closet. (among other things, but i don't wanna list ALL of them.)

the dialogue also didn't feel all that natural to me, and the book tried a little too hard to be gore-y when it didn't have to be (and considering the rest of the book, felt a little misplaced). the plot was okay. nothing shocking, nothing that stood out. but again, that might just be me. maybe it's just a little under my age range, that's on me.