A review by janeeyre_914716
Hero by Michael Grant



Where to begin. I was honestly super excited for this trilogy and yet, by this last book I came out disappointed and by the last 3 or 4 chapters or so, I was bored. I was sooooooooo close to DNF'ing the book, but I didn't want to cause there were some previous cameos of a few Perdido Beach characters show up and I wanted to see what happened to them at the end of this one. And yet, when something that was supposed to be the big reveal of what was really going on and who these "watchers" were, this is what I was really doing and the sheer stupidity of an ending that I wasn't impressed with in all brutal honesty....


yeah, it's a laughing matter and all I could think of by the end which seemed like Michael Grant didn't know how to end this one or just stopped writing or had some kind of block and decided, "Let's just leave it." It had me thinking....


Seriously though, that ending and finale was beyond boring and a repeat of the first two books basically and nothing new. Can we talk about the end and what Ron Swanson there says? What the heck just happened!? That's it!? Are you freaking kidding me? I LOVED the [b:Gone|2536134|Gone (Gone, #1)|Michael Grant|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1357796831l/2536134._SY75_.jpg|2543657]
series sooooooo better than this trilogy which after this so called


ending, I find they weren't that necessary after all again being brutally honest here. However, I did like book two [b:Villain|36039308|Villain (Monster #2)|Michael Grant|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1519419999l/36039308._SY75_.jpg|57966145] but I felt like the titles for books 1 and 2 need to be switched and then we're good to go. Other than that, I cam out disappointed with this spinoff even though I'm glad it gave me an excuse to revisit Perdido Beach and the FAYZ after all these years so at least that was worth it.

Okay, unpopular opinion and if you want to judge me or unfriend me for what I believe in, go for it. But it's how I felt when reading/listening to this spinoff. I found this way too political with some characters and their thoughts and even dialogue like a trans or all the LGBT stuff. As a Christian, I don't support the community but I do RESPECT also I have a gay friend who I absolutely adore despite our views on some things. And yet, I would support someone in the community if they were treated wrongly because they're still human beings. But it's a lifestyle I just don't support, though I do RESPECT like I said. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind any of this being in books but to talk about it and make it sound like it's shoving down my throat or mind, I can't do it if it sounds too political because it takes away my own personal reading experience of trying to enjoy a good book and even story.

For example: Cassandra Clare's LGBT characters in her Shadowhunter Chronicles I can handle because they're part of the story and yet she doesn't overdo it. Michael Grant made this too much for me in a political sense and by this last book, it defeated the purpose of the actual story. Cassandra Clare's gay characters I do love and adore, but I felt like Michael Grant made it overly political at some points that didn't have to do with the story, but when he put it in the Gone series, it was like the way Cassandra Clare did it, not overly political. And yet, it seemed like he put it in the trilogy spinoff just to make a statement *eye roll*

So if one is going to make any kind of LGBT character(s), PLEASE do not make it political and just say they're gay or like the same sex and leave it at that and then focus on the story. We get it. You don't have to keep having the character play victim and keep talking about it. Just write the dang story. There, I said it. Make it like Cassandra Clare does and don't make too big of a deal from it.

Other than that political stuff to me, that still would've been a 2 or 2 1/2 star rating if not for the horrific and pathetic ending and the way he ended this one because the first two were the best endings ever and then this one had that one star drop hence it being one star. But if you've read the original series and want to read this trilogy, go for it and READ IT FOR YOURSELF AND FIND OUT IF YOU LIKE IT. By this last book I just had difficulty getting into it and as a story, it was boring, a repeat of book 2 but someone and mutation much worse, the ending was more than lame (understatement) and this finale just sucked compared to the first two.

sorry but not sorry to be that harsh and without the political stuff for me, I'd still rate it one star because of the very last few pages which I can't stop thinking about how stupid it was and trying so hard not to spoil it. If I had known it was going to end the way it did, then yeah, I'd have DNF'd it.....

Which is why I say read it for yourself.