A review by pollyroth
City of Fallen Angels, by Cassandra Clare


Clary's relieved that Valentine is defeated. She's even more relieved that she and Jace aren't brother and sister. She's training to become a full fledged shadowhunter. But when it seems that Sebastion may still be alive, Clary and her friends will stop at nothing to defeat him.

So, I am pleased to announce that I now really love Simon. It took three books for me to like him, and this fourth book gave me the push to love him. I think it's just that now that he isn't trying to take Clary from Jace, I feel as if he's actually fun to read about. And I I've really grown to love his sarcastic bickerings with Jace.

I also really loved how Maia played such a huge role in this book. And with the addition of
Spoiler Jordan, the guy who turned her into a werewolf,
her part was extremely exciting!

Okay, so you'd think that now that Clary and Jace aren't related they wouldn't have a care in the world correct??? And you'd think they'd be happy correct??? This is not the case. Yes, I should have known better; it is Cassadra Clare who wrote this book. But I wanted to believe they finally could be happy. If anything they're more miserable than before! And god help me I wanted to punch Jace when he wouldn't tell Clary why he was acting the way he was. I did, however, appreciate the passionate makeup make-out scenes. By far the best part of the book.

I loved how Simon and Izzy, and they by the end seem closer than ever. And I loved Isabelle's speech about why she finds she can't fall in love.
"I watch my brothers give their hearts away and I think, Don't you know better?"
I think because she told Simon, it proves that she's in love with him...even if she won't admit it to herself yet.

I find myself falling in love with the characters a little bit more each book. There's always new past details that create characters that I find hard to believe that they aren't real.

And, oh my god, Cassandra Clare what an ending. All I have to say is that I'm glad the next book has already come out so I don't have to anxiously await the next installment. Which I kind of am because I stopped to write this review...