A review by stanwj
The Successful Author Mindset: A Handbook for Surviving the Writer's Journey by Joanna Penn


Joanna Penn's short book is exactly what it says--a look at how to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally to live the life of a writer, through new writer tribulations, on to actual publication and then dealing with what comes after (should you be so fortunate).

As such, there is little in here about how to write, but plenty of advice on how to deal with everything from self-doubt to overzealous fans, using a Problem/Antidote format. Penn's style (seriously, a writer named Penn? The closest I get is someone calling me "pencil neck") is open and friendly, and she provides excerpts from her private journal to illustrate points she is making, which is a nice way of building trust with the reader. The advice is practical and pretty common sense--you're unlikely to slap your forehead and say, "Why didn't I think of that?" but it's still handy to have all of these ideas collected together and presented in a way that's easy and entertaining to absorb.

It's also just a nice change-up to read a book about writing that is not about, well, the actual writing part.

Recommended for new writers or those on the cusp of publishing.