A review by bdavies17
Coming Out on Top by Nora Phoenix


Thoughts while reading:
-what judge would convict an 18 year old in that circumstance, despite character witnesses?
-Mac owes them nothing, they’re awful, I would have left there a long time ago
-if Mac really feels he must pay them money, couldn’t he do it living somewhere else?
-it seems a little unlikely Mac can go from 18, to 20 fresh out of jail and have paid off so much. So he owed 1$150,000 and 18 years later (because 2 were in jail) he only owes $20,000, plus he also paid off his mom’s medical bills. And his job is a salvage yard, he really makes that much? I guess he doesn’t have a mortgage. And he can make enough to live off too and have a $10,000 emergency fund. He makes a lot more money than I would have expected I guess
-he should try to sell his sculptures
-I think Mac’s crazy to stay and pay the rest of the debt with their treatment. And again, he could go and pay it off from the new place, especially if he sells his house and business, he wouldn’t have to wait 2 more years.
-why can’t Quentin pick another nearby town to do the work? It’s not like he’s invested a ton of time in that one

Still, loved it overall and was so proud of Augustus at the end.

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