A review by mrsthrift
Lust: Kinky Online Personal Ads from Seattle's the Stranger by Ellen Forney


I have long had a fascination with personal ads in the back of the free weekly in cities across the country. The ads that veer towards the sexy and weird are always my favorite. I read them over and over, and imagine the person who placed the ad, and who might answer it, and how that meet-up might go. The allure comes partly from the fantasy of it -- these ads are about things someone *wishes* for, not their experience or reality. Ok, so our fantasty lives are interesting enough.

And here, Ellen Forney turns these tiny filthy morsels into beautiful single panels of comic art that capture the hilarity, exuberance, heart and, yes, lust of weekly fantasies. The bodies, people, and kinks are real.

And I enjoyed it. A lot.