A review by cmbohn
Alexander Hamilton's Revolution: His Vital Role as Washington's Chief of Staff by Phillip Thomas Tucker


I received this free in exchange for a honest review. My views, however, are my own.

Title: Alexander Hamilton's Revolution: His Vital Role as Washington's Chief of Staff

Author: Philip Thomas Tucker

"Sell-out crowds every night enjoy the smash hit Hamilton on Broadway, which presents a fact-filled and entertaining glimpse into the patriot’s life. But very few of us know about Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton, General George Washington’s trusted military advisor."

If you thought Rob Chernow's masterpiece Hamilton was just not detailed enough, then this book is for you. I'm a major fan of Alexander Hamilton - the guy was a genius and I'm glad to see him finally getting the credit he deserves. But even I was a little daunted by the level of detail in this new book by Turner.
I agree with his basic premise - we focus a lot of what Hamilton accomplished before and after the revolution, but sometimes overlook what he did while he was serving. This book deals mainly with the extraordinary relationship between Washington and Hamilton. They became an amazing team who Got. It. Done.

But while the book was insightful and like I say, I love the idea, the writing was often repetitive. He'd wind up saying things three times in one chapter. I don't need that. I can remember what you just said. And then the level of detail - naming so many names, for instance - was really just too much. I would recommend this one for serious readers of American History and advise others to pass.