A review by jjarthur
The Bedwetter: Journal of a Budding Psychopath by Lee Allen Howard


Firstly, thanks to Lee Allen Howard for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

This book is a disturbing read no doubt about it, but what else do you expect from a book called what it is. I understand a lot of the complaints with this book and actually agree with a fair few of them but also see why they existed in some cases.

For example, not everyones a fan of the writing and use of text speech but with the being a journal written by the main character it does make sense even if it is annoying.

Then again, there are complaints which are unexplainable like why is the 'Piss Fairy' presented as the important figure in the synopsis yet appears merely towards the end twice with absolutely zero explanation, something that quite frankly annoyed me.

A lot of the character of Russell is explained by his childhood and Howard does well to show how certain traumas have led to Russells adulthood tendencies (though the random homophobia seemed out of place and just shoe horned in for us to dislike Russell more).

All in all the contents of the book are horrendous and rancid and yet this was a very easy read. I personally read it between serving customers in my work despite feeling uncomfortable with the contents.

Not something I could reccomend but wouldn't outright advise against reading, just make sure you check the content warnings.