A review by mrfrank
Clown Tear Junkies by Douglas Hackle


If I were the head of the department of Bizarro Fiction, I would appoint Douglas Hackle's CLOWN TEAR JUNKIES as the required text for Intro To Bizarro 201. While this is not an elementary introduction to Bizarro, it still schools those who still, would ask the question, "What is Bizarro Fiction?"

While it should be widely know to any scholar of Bizarro 101 that Bizarro fiction can encompass any genre, it should also embrace the weird, CLOWN TEAR JUNKIES serves to continue forth in that spirit. There is no singular Bizarro theme grabbed hold of here and odd-balled out into the oblivion. Instead, CLOWN TEAR JUNKIES sets a further example of just how bizzare Bizarro fiction can be.

At times this book acts as a dispondant Mad Libs work book. Other times it serves as a solid backbone for longer stories yet to be explored. Yet all the little shorts in this collection serve as an example of how Bizarro Fiction can be if you really let loose your sense of reality.

It's not my place to gauge how bizarre or not bizarre CLOWN TEAR JUNKIES is or is not. I am here to let you know that Douglas "Mutha Fuckin'" Hackle has something to say and you may not understand it and if you don't, well flip a chair like they do in that Duran Duran video and move on with your life because Hackle runs shit now and you have no hope.