A review by anitalouise
But My Boyfriend Is by K.A. Mitchell


Setting - Primarily in Texas

So I am sure there is a pun in there somewhere but Dylan is a dick! A obnoxious jerk. There is a line around the 75% point where Mike says about Dylan "this from someone who can't say gay even with a mouthful of dick." And that is Dylan through pretty much the entire book. Poor guy had SO many issues - felt inferior to his twin brother, thought that his family considered him a screw-up and on top of that, struggled with his sexuality. While I liked this one in the Florida series, I was frustrated with Dylan and his hangups. Get over it already - so you're gay or maybe bi! So what?! And that decision to "help" Darryl and Mike close the end of the book - monumentally stupid! I mean, what was he doing - fighting a duel?! What saved the book for me was the stellar writing, Aaron and Joey and the rest of the family from book 3, and of course, Mike, although he has his stupid moments, too. And Tate! Do we get a book about Tate, Mike's roommate?? I really liked him and would love to read about his adventures. Rats, just read the author's web site - no book about Tate :( But just love this series. While you don't have to read them in order, it's way more fun to do so...