A review by andyblake
How the Bible Actually Works: In Which I Explain How An Ancient, Ambiguous, and Diverse Book Leads Us to Wisdom Rather Than Answers—and Why That's Great News by Peter Enns


Let me start with little a disclaimer: I already love pretty much anything Pete Enns writes and several of his earlier books have given me some great insight and language for my own spiritual journey, especially concerning the Bible.

How the Bible Actually Works is a logical and necessary follow-up to his previous books of For the Bible Tells Me So and The Sin of Certainty. Whereas the first two books break are mostly concerned with what the Bible is *not* and tearing down down some unhealthy mindsets which are prevelant in the Western Church today, How the Bible Actually Works is primarily constructive and seeks to explain what to actually do with this ancient, diverse, and ambiguous text we call the Christian Scriptures. Enns offers much insight into approaching it as a book of wisdom and not as a rule book.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who already follows Enns's work, especially those who have read one or both of his previous books mentioned above. The writing is witty and engaging overall (although I found it too rambling at times, which is why my rating is closer to 4.5 stars than a full 5). But for real, this book is great!

*I received a free copy of How the Bible Actually Works from Harper One as a member of Enns's launch team.