A review by teenytinylibrary
Juvenile In Justice by Richard Ross


BAM! This book is a punch in the face to anyone who has worked with teens and who cares about teens. Richard Ross does an amazing job of profiling tons of teenagers who are locked up in some sort of juvenile detention facility - he gets them to tell him their stories: why they're incarcerated, what their life was life before, what their life is like now, what they want. I agree with Ira Glass, in the foreword, when he says that the pictures are especially haunting because you can't see the teens' faces. I can see the long skinny legs and think, "That could be any one of my speech kids." The statistics are also mind-blowing. Any kid who is locked up, regardless of the amount of time, is exponentially more like to commit another crime and return to detention. This is a must read for anyone who works with teens, especially troubled teens. I'm looking at you, all my teacher friends.