A review by sarah_dietrich
The Third Reich by Roberto Bolaño


The Third Reich is a work that Bolano chose not to publish, then it was found after he died & published post-humously. These kind of found works always make me wonder, why did the author choose not to publish? Were they unhappy with the work? Did they consider it unfinished? If I read one of these books & I love it, I'm thrilled that it was published. If I read one and I don't like it, I think that perhaps the author got it right, and it shouldn't have been published.

The Third Reich is somewhere in between. I liked it, I guess? The creeping dread that comes from seemingly nowhere is great. Does the last third feel unfinished? Maybe? Or is this just how life is - weird things happen and people do a bad job of dealing with it, life goes on, and there aren't really any answers.