A review by dubvanna
Made in Nashville by Mandy Baggot


I want to start off by saying that I really wanted to love this book. Give me a good country story and I’m there 100%! Especially when there is a hot country/rocker guy involved. And I did really like it! The prologue alone hooked me and I’m not really a huge fan of prologues, but this one definitely did the trick and made me totally curious how this book would turn out. Here’s the thing. The whole hook of the prologue was divulged very early on, and there went the mystery right out the window. Which was okay I guess but I was expecting something a little more lingering and buried deep within the story.

So I put the whole prologue thing out of my head and decided to focus on the story in front of me. Which was good, and I was really enjoying where the characters were going, and I immediately liked Jed (aka HOT country/rocker star) He is basically at the top of his game when he stumbles upon the voice of an angel coming through the radio. Jed needs someone to accompany him on tour so he makes it his mission to find the owner of said angel voice.

That would be Honor Blackwood (aka voice of an angel). Honor was also at the top of her game, only it was years prior when a horrible thing happened to her and made her abruptly quit her blossoming music career. She has since then basically put herself in her own bubble if you will and she vows that she will never sing in public again, she’s so damaged that she doesn’t even listen to the radio or pay attention to the country music scene at all. So when Jed rolls in to her workplace, she has no clue who he is. Jed is obviously intrigued, not just by her voice, but the fact that she is so adamant about not performing again. He is relentless in his pursuit and he starts becoming extremely protective over Honor, and begins falling for her despite how she acts towards him.

I was really enjoying the book, and yes I had some issues that really couldn’t be ignored. I have a huge pet peeve when things are over killed in books or when things become too repetitive. Maybe that’s just me being nit-picky but I found myself rolling my eyes and saying “enough already”. This wasn’t a huge deal but I just found it kind of silly and unnecessary. Don’t get me wrong I love Vince Gill, but to mention him 36 times is a little much. I understand if an Author has a major liking for a country star and I find it perfectly normal to give a shout out or two, but this was a bit excessive and I found it to be distracting to the story.

Moving on… Towards the end of the book when Jed and Honor finally decide to be on the right page about each other things turn really awkward and strange. Honor in my opinion turned into a different person and if I’m totally honest I felt that it was so weird to the storyline. I’m not going to say what happens, but I was kind of disappointed that I had gotten that far into the book and the all of the sudden the demeanor changes for no reason. I’m all for changing the head of the reader, but this just made no sense and made me upset with her character.

Overall the writing was good, and the flow was great until the last bit. Some may actually love how it ends, but it just wasn’t my favorite is all. Either way I got my country fix and I did really enjoy the book, there were just those little things that really bothered me and I couldn’t look beyond that.