A review by megsshelves_
Hollow Heathens: Book of Blackwell by Nicole Fiorina


Weeping Hollow is a town that you dream of getting lost in. The cozy small town vibe that makes you want to sit by a fire drinking hot coffee or cider with your friends. This book got me out of a huge reading slump and introduced me to a whole new genre of reading possibilities.

Fallon is a girl with no family save for her grandfather Benny who she recently finds out has fallen ill. She travels to Weeping Hollow so she can help him heal or be there for him if he passes on. What she does not know yet is once you are in Weeping Hollow there is no leaving.

Julian our MMC carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. He wears a mask of arrogance and indifference to protect those he loves most. I love Julians character development throughout this novel. He starts out believing he is the monster everyone claims him to be, only to realize there are monsters in all of us. It's how we choose to be that dictates monster or hero.

Plot: 5/5
Characters: 5/5
Spice: 2/5