A review by chelseammg
Exquisite by Ella Frank


There are a lot of things I can say about this book. Let's start with Lena, shall we? She has walls. Wall built like a fortress. She has survivor's guilt that has eaten away at her for 9 years, crippling her every move. She is also smart, funny, beautiful and kind. She could have an amazing life, but she is wasting away in a cocoon of her own making.

That leads us to Mason. Mason is perfect. In ever damn way, the man is amazing. He is handsome, cocky as hell, witty, lethally charming...the whole package. And when he decides he wants Lena to start feeling again, he pursues her with absolute singular focus. He brings her back to life. He gave me a new appreciation for peaches and I will never look at them the same way!

The relationship: I love that it wasn't a starry eyed "I saw you, I loved you". It was real. It was two people taking their time, learning about each other, stumbling along the way and making it work.

The only downside I had with the book was that I figured out early on what the conflict would be. It didn't make it easier to "watch", but I knew it was coming. I still cried real tears when it was happening!

Bottom line: It's a must read if you are a sucker for a really good HEA.