A review by yvnn
The Janus Stone by Elly Griffiths


After reading the Crossing Places I was excited to see what was next in store for Ruth Galloway. I was wondering how they would have an archeologist wrapped up in a mystery again without it feeling forced. In the first book it made Total sense for her to be involved, but in this book the writer has managed to still make it feel like a logical move.

What I liked about it: more Ruth, Cathbad and Nelson. Thank god they pushed Shona a bit more to the background, she just doesn't feel like a good friend. We get to know more about Ruth's private life.... that once again gets disturbed by a mystery. I also really liked the introduction of new characters in both Ruths and Nelsons (proffesional) lives. The mystery is quite okay, it just develops in a way you would want it to.

Also, I love that Ruth is a complicated character. As much as she is an independent woman (an perceived as one), she also struggles with conflicting feelings about how her life should be. It makes her relatable and likeable. It's not like she is a mean person for being independent, that's just who she is.

I also liked that the writer cut down on the fatshaming A LOT in this book. Ruth is way more comfortable with her body (in a way) and that's great!

What I didn't like: The whole archeology/sacrificial connection to the site and motives of a possible murder feel a bit forced. It's like finding a body on an archeology dig isn't enough... so they had to put in some weird symbolical references to the Romans and whatnot. It could have easily done without as much of that. Also... can we stop with the 'confessions' inbetween the regukar story? I didn't get it in the first book and in this one it just felt like a way to fill more pages. All the mumbo jumbo in cursive really distracts me from the rest of the story. And it's not like we need all of it to know What's going on.

Verdict: Nice cosy style detective, likeable characters. Sometimes the writer spins a little out of control putting in symbolism that has no real added value.