A review by kaitrosereads
Just Like Fate by Cat Patrick, Suzanne Young


When I first heard about Just Like Fate, I was ecstatic. Two of my favorite authors writing a book together? That was all I needed to add this one to my TBR. When the rave reviews started pouring in, I was even more excited. I’m really happy to say that my excitement was totally for a good reason. Just Like Fate is a new favorite of mine, for sure.

Caroline is an easy girl to like. It wouldn’t seem like that at first but there was never any doubt in my mind that she was a great character. She is torn about attending a party to see the guy she likes or stay by her dying grandmother’s side. Seems petty, right? Not really. She’s a teenager and I found her dilemma to be realistic. She loves her grandmother but she is also just like any other teenage girl wanting to catch the eye of her crush. It might have seemed like an easy decision at first but things spiraled with that one decision and the story was addicting.

The story is told in alternating chapters, based on Caroline’s decision to stay with her grandmother or go to the party. It reminded me a lot of Pivot Point in how it was written. It was amazing to see how Caroline’s one decision changed every aspect of her life. Her relationships with her family, friends, and boys, as well as her own self-esteem and confidence were affected by her choice. It was also pretty amazing to see how things could work out no matter what choice she made. Just Like Fate is all about how you can’t change something if it’s truly meant to happen.

The romance, between Caroline and both boys, was great. Sure I was rooting for one of them way more than the other but Cat Patrick and Suzanne Young did a good job of making both boys attractive and understandable. They just did a better job with one than with the other. Christopher had my heart from the very first time I met him. He was so sweet and adorable and he will melt your heart, for sure!

Overall, Just Like Fate is a must read for fans of Cat Patrick and Suzanne Young. I can only hope they decide to write more together in the future because it was pure awesomeness!