A review by manal_osmally
Beer and Loathing by Ellie Alexander


I remember the panic this book release caused... worth everybit of it...

- Main Character development was very subtle but in a cute way, unlike other cozy mysteries the romance here is not forced.
- I like that we moved a bit away from Sloan's past, taking into consideration the previous book, I was under the impression that it might be a repeated issue.
- I am really glad that we didn't get any in-law complications, that would have ruined the story line, also that there was no stigma about sloan.
- This one of the rather"April"less books and I am so glad for that, having so many new characters with that certain one would have been really challenging.
- The argument of who is doing what is one a very smart approach in this book (If that person wasn't the murder it would have been a real nail bitter), you have a seasoned doctor who claims that by having the drug and tweaking it as she went, she would end up saving way more people than she kills. and you have the young doctor who thinks the idea of the drug itself is very risky
Which lead us to (The Trolly Paradox)

- The focus is scattered a bit too much in this series, there's just so many characters running around in the book, the crime itself might have been an afterthought, over shadowed by the life events rolling around
- Once again, I am looking for the connection between Garrett's family and Sloan, why did he find the picture of her mother in what have been his aunt's property.
- The element of speed in this book was just, too fast, I felt like the event were rolling (x2) speed.
- Garrett past part was a bit anti-climactic for what it should have been, or more likely what I thought what it should have been.
- The disarray of the suspect list was just so annoying, up till the last chapter I was doubting that the case was over.
- The part about Leah's participation in the stakeout was so rushed, one second Leah was about to join them and the other the entire thing was over.

Am I worried about this series coming to an end, YEAH, VERY... but I am going to hop to book6.5