A review by beledit
Drop Dead Gorgeous by Wayne Simmons


Just finished the audio version. It was kind of boring. I bought it because I actually liked the idea of the focus being on the survivors, but their story was uninteresting. And at the end, when the zombies "arrived" they stretched my credulity way beyond breaking point.

This feels like the author just strained to find a new angle on zombies - he did, but it's an uninteresting angle and nothing else about the book stands out. And the occasional attempts to write lyrically fall very, very flat.

I bought the sequel (well, got it free - it was a three for two offer) so I guess I'll listen to that so as not to waste it, but I'm not eager to start.

If you're looking to first rate zombie novels try the Rhiannon Frater trilogy. It's worlds ahead of this.