A review by kitsuneheart
Teen Idol by Meg Cabot


So, in general, I LOVE Meg Cabot's work. She doesn't apologize for pop culture references or allowing her girl characters to act like girls, or like boys, or however they want. But this one didn't really resonate with me.

I think part of it was it reminded me too much of "Never Been Kissed." Except the reporter is actually a high school student, and the fake student is a celebrity. It adds a bit of extra plot, having Luke Striker, the celebri-student, be the impetus for Jenny Greenley to show some assertiveness, but, at the same time, she loses some agency by having her life-changing realization come from an outsider, and particularly one that has seen her for all of maybe a week.

There was also a bit too much relationship drama for my tastes. I actually had a hard time keeping the two main couples--Geri/Scott and Trina/Steve--apart, and wasn't entirely sure who was free for the end-of-book romances until they got resolved.

It's still a fun Cabot book, but not one I'd pass on to people as a recommendation. It's more a book for Cabot completionists.