A review by raven_acres
Celtika by Robert Holdstock


Okay, so I stumbled upon Robert Holdstock when I found a copy of Mythago Wood and Lavondyss. Thoroughly enjoyed the books, and have been working on collecting the series and going through them, start to finish.

This series is along those same lines, and has a fair amount of verbiage and overlap from those other books.

An interesting twist on the Merlin Legend, bouncing back before Arthur and the tales of the Round Table. It intertwines Greek and Celtic myths loosely, but in an interesting fashion, and draws you in for an enjoyable trip. If you're a mythology purist, this may irritate you, but as another side/view of the myths, its rather fun.

The first book follows the resurrection of Jason and the Argo by Merlin, after finding out Medea didn't kill the boys. The book traces the search for the oldest boy. The second book traces the search for the second boy. And the third book goes into an interesting version of the link between Merlin and Daedalus.

The third book has been left somewhat opened-ended, so I don't know if there will be more, where Holstock really does bring in Arthur or not. That said, the actual story in the book is finished, so one isn't left hanging.

I thoroughly enjoyed all of the books, and found them to be easy, enjoyable reads.