A review by moonbunni
The Second You're Single by Cara Tanamachi


First, thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Are you in the mood for a cute, cheesy and quick to read romance? Yes? Then this is the book for you!

The Second You’re Single is a shorter read. So it reads quick. I usually take a few days to read romance novels and this one I got done in a day. Sadly, it did also feel rushed. Like there could easily be more. Jack and Sora have knew each other in elementary school, now 10ish years later they are reconnecting. I feel like Jack and Sora both were like “Your the same person you were when you were in grade school” as a teacher whose seen many many kids grow up I can say “nope sorry”

But Jack and Sora did have a spark and it was easy to see/feel on the page. Going back to what I said before about it feeling rushed, I would have really liked to see more growth and a longer courtship between the two. It kind of felt like instalove, which isnt the point of reading a romance novel to me.

One thing I didn’t like was that Sora was described as a “heavier” or “plus size” when at a size 14. That is average and healthy. And while I am happy to see a main character that isn’t a size 2,I just wish there as more positivity around that.

Overall, a fast, decent, and easy read.