A review by arcanewolf
Vein Fire by Lucia Adams


All I can say is that this book had me HOOKED and really helped me overcome my reading slump that I have been stuck in for the past few months.

This book was in no way, a romanticised story of mental illness, the author didn't sugarcoat the effects of mental illness, drug addiction, abuse, self harm and all that other stuff that happens. There was no romantic underlining between the characters in which one character is determined to save the other from the effects of their addiction or mental illness.

This book was realistic in terms of exploring the dark paths people can travel down. We see Hannah travel down the path of self hate and self destruction. Matt down the path of drugs and addiction and Jared down the path of becoming a psychopath. Yes, there were bits in the book that were raw and brutal to read, especially when it came to the sex scenes but that is just showing how those scenes are easily a reality for someone out there in this world.

This book showed me that there's plenty of Hannahs, and Matts and Jareds out there in this world.

I really clicked with Hannah and felt sorry for her throughout the whole book. Yes, there were times I wanted to shake her and say that she was being a fool but at the end of the day, she has been through a lot and the real Hannah, deep inside is buried under all this self loathing that she keeps inside. We don't see the real Hannah for a long time and I think that it clouds her judgement when it comes to her having trouble saying 'no'.

Hannah can easily represent the majority of young people out there, who want to be accepted and loved by people around them, so they turn to false beliefs and values that aren't their own just to impress other people.

This book was raw, brutal, realistic and beautifully written. Lucia Adams has done a fantastic job portraying the realistic effects addiction can have on people without putting any sort of romantic connotations within the story.