A review by kylielovesbooks
Broken Wish by Julie C. Dao


Thank you to Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book surprised me in the best way! I flew through it. It was so easy to get lost in this story.
The characters were wonderful. I loved getting to know Agnes and Oskar who later become the parents of the real main character Elva. Agnes and Mathilda had the cutest friendship and I was so heartbroken when she allowed Oskar to persuade her to end that friendship. It was a very good way to have a backstory before the "real" story started. The rest of the story is the aftermath of that broken promise between Agnes and Mathilda.
Elva is a great female character. She cares so much about her family, but realizes that the gift she has is just that, a gift, not a curse and she wants to go against her family to really perfect it. She was a great friend to Mathilda and I loved the growth of their relationship. Cay was an absolutely adorable brother.
The plot was very interesting as well. I was immediately sad that Elva was supposed to hide her power of seeing the future just because other people might not like it. Once she finally used it and saw the big storm coming to ruin the family's farm I was on the edge of my seat wondering if the vision would come to be.
The only thing that kind of bothered me was how over the top Mathilda was. In my opinion she completely overreacted at once certain thing that I don't want to give away having to do with Elva. After all Elva did and all the promises she kept, one thing happened and she threw a tantrum and literally moved away.
Knowing that this is the first book in a series that spans over several generations, it really sets up well for the rest of the series!