A review by mollyxmiller
A Winter's Promise by Christelle Dabos


A Winter's Promise follows the story of our somewhat unlikely heroine Ophelia and her forced, arranged marriage to a young man from another "ark," much harsher than her own--Pole. Ophelia is quite gifted on her ark in Anima--she is a talented reader (she can see the history of inanimate objects and feelings of the people who handled them) and she has the ability to travel through mirrors (mirror-traveling is for short distances only, but still a pretty handy talent!). Both Ophelia and her husband-to-be, Thorn, don't think much of the arrangement, but decide to proceed since their choices are limited. Ophelia then travels to Pole where she is thrust into a harsh, vicious, and hierarchical world. The Citaceleste is full of glittering society and ever-changing, beautiful architecture that is mostly a cover for the rather bleak and sordid world that they live in. Ophelia is not witty, physically strong, or naturally charming. People usually don't notice her and in fact she is difficult to understand when she speaks. But Ophelia is incredibly cunning and refuses to succumb to panic easily--she is bound and determined to survive her new home even though it is vastly different from the world that she comes from.
I REALLY enjoyed A Winter's Promise and I recommend it for anyone who loves YA Fantasy that runs along the lines of whimsy and court intrigue. It's a definite must for fans of Caraval by Stephanie Garber or A Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson. Also, as I am writing this there is a cold front coming through where I live and I can absolutely tell you this is the PERFECT book for a cold front. Every now and again I caught myself thinking the phrasing here or there was a bit awkward, but I have to remember that this book was originally written and published in French and I am reading a translation. Still--I thought it was marvelous! I will definitely read the next books in the series.