A review by suryapandian
A World of Romance by Alan Hardy, C.E. Kilgore, Michelle Browne, Lucy Pireel, Christopher Shields, Amber Lea Easton, Debra Parmley, Mike O'Donnell, Yelle Hughes, P.J. Perryman, James Amoateng, Ceri London, Genevieve Dewey, Ian Rideout, Diane Adams Taylor, C.L. Foster, Rita Berry, Thomas Ryan, J.C. Eggleton, Kirstin Pulioff, Iain Parke, Travis Luedke, Louise Sorensen


Extremely disappointing read. When I picked this book, I thought this book had stories inspired from beautiful moments between couples.
But no.Read just the first story and dropped the idea of reading this book further.
This is the gist of the story:

A man and his wife who are married for long are having a dry patch in their marriage.
This man and his wife had gotten used to and bored of each other.
They hardly talk with each other and have started taking themselves and each others for granted.
Soon this man starts an affair with another woman with attractive makeup and sexy clothes.
His wife learns about this and their relationship ends.
As the story concludes, the wife has started wearing the same kind of attractive makeup and sexy clothes hoping that the husband might return or at-least someone else might.

The most disappointing part was this book had actually topped `Intense love stories beautifully written` in goodreads.
I wonder what is so intense or beautiful about this story.
But then I am someone who never really liked Twilight.
I did not even try reading the series and found the movies irritating and boring.
So maybe this is a good book that I didn't like.
Whatever... 1 star for you book.
1 star.