A review by chehr
In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer by Irene Gut Opdyke


It's difficult to say that I enjoyed a book about the Holocaust, however I did enjoy the book. It is very well written. The story was very compelling and from a point of view that I hadn't read before. I felt that the first few chapters were a bit jumbled. Admittedly it was more like a memory which is was this book is. The jumble of it was just a little tedious to get through. This book made me feel incredibly more aware of these two sides of the Holocaust; the persecuted and those that risked their lives to save who they could. I could not imagine having the strength that Irene had, and a such a young age. She is a truly remarkable woman. I wish I had learned more history like hers instead of just the facts of the war and those that were persecuted. I don't mean to diminish those facts, however I feel that leaning about the people that tried to stop what was happening along with these facts would have made me hopeful for humanity. Regardless of that I think that this is quit a good book that more people should know about and read. It certainly put some things in my life in perspective for me.