A review by toryhallelujah
Team Bff: Race to the Finish! #2 by Stacia Deutsch


Ehhhhh. It's obviously meant to cater to those who think that people HAVE to have things exclusively catered to them in order to be interested in those things: "unless girls have cookie-cutter middle-school stories that happen to feature girls coding [albeit in a very nebulous, confusing way -- spoken as an adult], they'll never think that they themselves can code!" Probably an unpopular opinion, but I think anyone can do anything, and we don't need explicit examples [from every inclusive character under the sun -- I'm surprised there wasn't a pansexual trans* character represented] in order to be confident.

The whole crux of the story depended on Sophia's parents not trusting babysitters, and preferring that their daughter shirk her team commitments (and thereby not just leave her team hanging, but leave them DISQUALIFIED!) in order to babysit her three younger siblings, which I just found appalling. Also, the fact that neither parent seemed to find it important to properly communicate with each other or the kids -- I get that you're very busy, but C'MON!

A lame, saccharine story riddled with middle-school neuroses.