A review by aya_neela
Dark Harmony by Laura Thalassa




First things first, on the subject of the “grooming” aspect I only have to say this - some took issue with it whereas I didn’t because I was able to compartmentalize the story for what it was…a work of fiction. 

I’m a bit conflicted with this one. I really like most of Laura Thalassa’s work.

Her dialogue can be cringey and the repetitiveness is annoying (the number of times Temperance said B*tch was giving me a headache) but it can also be really funny.

The plots she creates are interesting and to an extent I like when authors give their characters a moment to breathe and meander from the main plot to enjoy themselves.

But when I say that I feel this book did not need to be nearly as long as it was I am not kidding. 

If half the scenes from the novel would have been cut out I would have enjoyed this so much more. 

I kept putting the book down because absolutely NOTHING was happening. 

Sure it was cute to see Des and Callie and the steamy scenes were hot and all but it was too much.

I get it! You guys love each other very much and I am so happy for you-now can we go kill the bad guy. PLEASE! 

And along with the unnecessary dragging out of the story, was also the drawn out r*pe and enslavement threats against Callie, or the outright mentions of r*pe against men and women. Even the number of times the Siren kept threatening to disembowel someone was excruciating because she never even followed through! Not once.   

Again I get it, Big Bad is very bad and we must hate him but he was honestly just an annoying pervert. 

I did appreciate the way his sick kink bit him in the ass so spectacularly. 

Besides that I’m just happy it’s done and that Callie and Des can have their ever after. 

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