A review by kaylakaotik
You Were Here by Cory McCarthy


I debated back and forth with myself for a bit on whether or not I even wanted to read this book.

You Were Here was an interesting story. The pacing was slow in some parts (more so in the first half of the book than the second half). I felt like I spent a good chunk of time waiting for something to happen rather than really enjoying the story.

I've seen a few early reviews on Goodreads in which people talk about the characters and how they didn't find them relatable or they felt disconnected from them. A few reviews didn't like the characters at all. While I can understand the disconnect (surprisingly, this didn't lessen my enjoyment of the story like it normally might have), I enjoyed the characters. Their issues and brokenness felt real to me. They were all learning to deal with their own crap while still being a friend.

You Were Here was an enjoyable book for me. It was pretty well written with an interesting story line and characters that felt realistic and unique.

* This book was received from Sourcebooks Fire via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. *