A review by geese82
Batman and Robin, Volume 2: Pearl by Peter J. Tomasi


This is probably one of the best series in the Bat family of books in the new 52. Since vol 2, I really like the dynamic of both Batman and Robin and how the attitudes toward working together differs greatly. Damian is still a kid but due to spartan training during his toddler days (including studying the science and arts, who does that nowadays?) he became this snotty brat who can go toe to toe with the best soldier there is. I also like his interaction with the previous Robin's, trying hard to prove himself as the best there is, as a Wayne and the Robin.

I like seeing Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason work their magic with the Batman mythos, I've read their previous work with the Green Lantern Corps and I enjoyed it. I would love to see more of their work in this title, and I hope they should stay more than just one story arc.