A review by joshrskinner
Alby's Amazing Book by Catalina Echeverri


Alby’s Amazing Book is a fun new release from The Good Book Company’s children’s division. It is about a squirrel who loves stories and especially the stories of the Bible. This is a good book but I had a couple of reservations.

Alby loves all stories and sees himself at the center of all of them. He especially loves the stories of the Bible because they are true and because he knows the author. In fact, the Bible was written to Alby from God. I loved the fact that it emphasized the true-nature of the stories of the Scripture and the revelatory-nature of it being written to us, in this case Alby the Squirrel.
What I think it missed was the greatest of all stories, the story of redemption. In the context of the book, emphasizing that all of the stories are part of a bigger story of God redeeming his creation, would have been quite powerful. Also, and this was one that my wife thoroughly disagreed with, I didn’t like the font. The text on the pages was hard for me to read at certain points. My wife thought it looked cool and that I just have old eyes.

The illustrations are gorgeous and how biblical text is tied into the drawings is breathtaking. The beautiful illustrations make the book while the story supports them. This is a good book for younger children and can lead to some good discussions.

I received a review copy of this book from the publisher through Cross Focused Reviews.