A review by jennyrpotter
Waking Up in Iceland by Paul Sullivan


I'll give this one four stars because it was well-written and well-informed. The author certainly knows his music scene and seems willing to explore where he doesn't. It took me awhile to read this book, however, because it just didn't hold my attention very well. I think the perfect reader of this book is intensely interested in both music (genres, history, interviews, production and recordings knowledge, etc.) AND Iceland, whereas I'm really only intensely interested in the latter. I often got lost in the details of the interviews and the descriptions of musical nuances, as I was more interested in his day trips around Iceland. Still, it kept my interest enough to finish it. The only other sad thing is that the book was written before Of Monsters and Men hit the scene; they undoubtedly have changed the world's view of Icelandic musicians, and obviously the author couldn't comment on what he barely missed in time.

My favorite quote: "It had often bemused me how something as simple as vibrations traveling through air could turn so many heads, change so many lives, save so many souls. People are conceived to music, live their lives to music and are buried to music."