A review by bekahbeth
Making Magic: Weaving Together the Everyday and the Extraordinary by Briana Saussy


The more time passes since my first reading of this book, the more I like it. Too often, we think of magic as something totally unreal, totally ridiculous and fantastic, completely outside of our normal realm of being. Saussy reminds us that it is actually in the mundane everyday, as well as in the liminal spaces between things, where true magic resides, and helps us find it again.

The book contains a lot of instructions, exercises, journaling prompts, etc., many of which didn't capture me at first. But the usually spare, instructional language occasionally gives way to brilliantly beautiful passages that kept me reading (and copying down quotes to my commonplace book).

Inspired, then, I started to actually engage more in the exercises and journaling. And since officially "finishing" my first read-through of the library copy, then buying a copy because I realized I absolutely needed it at home with me, more bits and pieces of it continue to well up through the murky depths of my memory and unconscious, and I continue to turn to the book again and again, finding more and more each time, both in the book and in myself and our world.

Keep your mind and heart open, and open this book. Then never really close it.