A review by aliensupersoldier
A Dream of Ice by Gillian Anderson


More reviews on my blog, Dinara Tengri

A Dream of Ice starts out with a bang, but doesn't really get the momentum it needs to grab my attention. Maybe that's just me, but halfway into the story, I lost my interest, at least in the parts that didn't involve Caitlin.

I read the first book, A Vision of Fire years and years ago so, naturally, I didn't remember much of that story. But I didn't have to either, because Anderson and Rovin do a pretty good job bringing the reader up to speed, and filling in our memory gaps.

Caitlin is still the heart of the story, and she is a great protagonist. The rest of the cast is there; they're doing their job, being supportive boyfriends, or scheming villains.

I don't want to be "that guy", but I think I could tell which parts were written by Rovin and which were written by Anderson. Then again, what do I know?

All in all, it's a good second book, and it ends on an exciting cliffhanger that will definitely have me ordering the third and final book, The Sound of Seas. 

Lastly, I can never hate a book that has a cat in it, that's also a character and not just a prop with whiskers. A hundred extra points for the cat!