A review by paddlefoot55
Curve Ball by Sloan Johnson


ARC received for an honest review

It seems like forever since the first book in the Homeruns series , but it hasn't been. It has just been me impatiently waiting that has made it seem so much longer.

We got a tasty morsel of Curve Ball at the end of Wild Pitch, and I have been chomping at the bit for Curve Ball.

So while I loved Wild Pitch, I LOVE Curve Ball. I couldn't see how this series could get better, but it did!

Jason Klein and Cam Morgan could not have been more different. Jason, baseball star manly man. Cam is quieter, more effeminate, into fashion and cooking.

But boy do they complement each other!

From the minute they first met, you could feel the pull between them. Their emotions jumped of the pages I couldn't help but laugh, cry, love with them.

At times I wanted to slap Cam across the back of his head for being so damn stubborn, but as the story progressed I had more of an understanding of why he acted like he did.

And Jason - OMG the feels! His past still haunting him today, my heart ached as he struggled to move forward without feeling he was betraying his past.


What I loved about this story was that it was more that sex. Hello, I loved the sexy times, but this was more about Jason and Cam forging their new relationship and not just relying on sexual chemistry.

I adored that we got more of the characters from the first book - which you do not need to have read before reading Curve Ball, but why wouldn't you want to. Was great to see how Sean and Mason (book 1) are settling into their lives together.

Cam and Jason's story is a bit more gritty, a bit more angsty than Sean and Mason's - nothing over the top - and I really liked it!

The one person I was most intrigued by was Cam's roommate Drew. I am very much looking forward to reading his story in the next book.

Keep writing the m/m stories Ms Johnson - I really think it is your thing!


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