A review by novelesque_life
Royal Street by Suzanne Johnson



(I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review).

Drusilla Jaco,aka DJ, is a juniour wizard learning the craft from her uncle and once guardian, Gerry St. Simon. He is also her boss and mentor for the New Orleans' Sentinel assigned to protect the city from rogue supernatural. Hurricane Katrina has caused more than damage and death to the city but have crumbled the the border between the modern world and the otherworld. While DJ is visiting her grandmother she realizes she has not heard from Gerry and goes back home to discover he has disappeared. The Elders have assigned an enforcer, Alex Warin who is sent in to help her locate her uncle but may have his own agenda. The search is on!

What a witty fun urban fantasy novel. DJ is sarcastic wizard who has bad luck with men - and will have you laughing out loud or crying alongside her. She is like Harry Dresdon in that she is anything but conventional and this novel is one part smart humour and another part heartbreaking.