A review by faysieh
Stop at Nothing by Tammy Cohen


I LOVED this book! No murders or gruesome details, no complicated police action or stake-outs, just a pure domestic, subtle, insidious, totally readable tale of how one person, Frances, supposedly a 'hero', can turn one family, and in particular one woman's life upside-down, by her desire to be involved and help.
This storyline plays with your mind, is poetic in its description of domesticity, of being a dog-owner, of a mother's love so powerful that Tessa really will Stop at Nothing to protect Em (and Rosie) even though she's lost her editing job, hit fifty, is menopausal and her husband cruelly left her for another woman.
It is a perfectly credible plot that makes you worry about what we post online, how private our 'private' lives really are and whether we can ever trust anyone with who they say they are! With an ageing parent who has dementia thrown into the mix too, there are many emotional layers added to this story that create a depth and empathy with many modern day challenges that readers will have experienced in some ways themselves.
A highly recommended read!