A review by rhganci
Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel by Kieron Gillen


I'm not entirely sure who at the LucasFilm Story Group signed off on this nightmare, but this is hands down the worst piece of EU lore since the Disney acquisition. It is disparate from the overall direction of the unified canon to such a degree that makes it laughable, absurd, and a clear wrinkle in what has otherwise been rather smooth storytelling fabric.

Mr. Gillen continues to press his hamfisted and discordant agenda, commandeering Luke, Leia, and Han and filtering them through the lens he's crafted with Aphra (whose potential as a foil to the Rebels continues to be wasted month after month) and the overtired, oversold droids Beetee and Triple Zero. Every possible moment of impact is undercut by vacant humor, and while Aphra's exploration of the Massassi had clear merits, Gillen trips over his own ambitions here, and submits the shoddiest effort from any writer given the privilege of writing in this new canon. I feel bad that Jason Aaron had to turn in two scripts of his own book to support this catastrophe.

My recommendation: all but the most serious completionists should stay away--THE SCREAMING CITADEL is Star Wars storytelling at its very worst.