A review by spuddytally
Maneuver by Chelle Bliss


When I saw this pop up in my suggested, I hummed and hawed over it, mainly because the synopsis and title really don't go with the cover. When I started it, it seemed to be slow, and it was a slow burn throughout the book, but as things moved and progressed I understood more and more the choices Chelle Bliss made and why. I read this one in about 6 hours, and it was a great sweet and steamy read! It is typical Mom porn fashion that this rough and gruff guy would melt and become the soft sweet but fiercely protective man his woman needed. But I also like how Delilah kept her independence and as much as Lucio wants to wrap her up and take away any more pain and suffering from her, he lets he fight he own battles, gives her massive support and love that she has never seen.

I will have my full review on my blog later on www.confessionsofareadinfreak.wordpress.com