A review by kba76
Finding Violet Park by Jenny Valentine


This is one of those stories that you'll read, and then look up to think 'what on earth?' As with the other Jenny Valentine novels I've read, there's a weird mix of totally unbelievable coincidences and really charming quirky characters.
In this story we are asked to believe that teenage Lukas discovers the ashes of an old woman in a cab firm, decides to work out who she is and then uncovers all manner of odd links between himself and the deceased.
I liked the way Lukas pursues this, even though most teenage boys wouldn't give it a second thought. He gets the opportunity to grow as a character, learning more about himself/his family and finally being given the chance to join a few missing dots in his life. However, the reality of what he discovers - and the seeming lack of response to it - struck me as beyond reasonable.
For too many teen readers this will not grab their attention, and the obvious message we're being given will probably put them off.