A review by mcruscito
For Vacation Only by Mila Nicks


This book was cute and I enjoyed it! I really liked the main couple and the overall story line. It was cute, fun, lighthearted, had great mutual pining/romantical development, and definitely inspired some wanderlust with the cruise setting and descriptions of travel in the port cities.

Now, to jump into my criticisms... The pacing was a bit slow at times, which pulled me out of the story and allowed me to get distracted from reading. While I appreciated the world building and additional details about the characters' lives and the people in it, the balance felt a little off sometimes and the pacing of the book suffered as a result. I also felt like the "villains" (aka exes) felt a little one-dimensional and cartoonish. It felt like they were written in to *insert villain here to create drama* without considering them as fully formed people. I know antagonists are not meant to be likeable, but I always at least hope they're believable, and in this case I never quite got there with the exes.

Closing thoughts: Overall I enjoyed this book and definitely recommend if you're looking for a lighthearted romance where none of the stakes are high and the romance is good.