A review by valerielong
Dragon's Time by Todd McCaffrey, Anne McCaffrey


Dragon's Time by Anne & Todd McCaffrey is the 23rd book in the Dragonriders of Pern series.

As I do with most Anne McCaffrey books (and by extension those by Todd McCaffrey as well), I devoured this book. I enjoyed every part of it except for the epilogue. I felt like someone told the authors to take the next 3 or 4 books and smoosh them all together in one short epilogue.

There are places in the book that can get a bit confusing, but the confusion comes from a chunk of the main plot, so I don't want to give it away. All I can say is don't give up on it! It does make sense if you keep reading!

I've been impressed by Todd McCaffrey's ability to "play in his mother's sandbox" (that's how he puts it). When he first started writing Pern novels, I wasn't sure I was going to like his writing style, but now that we're several books into it, I find that I almost like his characters more! He has developed several well-rounded, complex characters and I enjoy reading the interplay between them and watching them grow and develop.

All in all, an excellent new installment to the Pern series!